Beginners Classes.

We all start somewhere, and our starting point for beginners, is our Beginners Program.

Now, if you’re new to CrossFit, let us break it down a little for you.

Firstly, it’s not scary. It’s fitness, in a group, with a Coach running the class, helping you learn, making sure you move correctly and with the music most likely nice and loud. Our 1hr classes give you time to forget about whatever you got going on, and focus on yourself. You will be encouraged, supported and will probably high-five or fist bump more than you ever have. Ever.

It’s a super nice feeling, knowing everyone has your back.

Secondly, what the hell is CrossFit? The definition of CrossFit is-
”Constantly Varied, Functional Fitness at a High Intensity”. Yeah cool man, but what does that mean?

“Constantly Varied”- Everyday our WOD (Workout Of the Day) changes. By constantly varying our workouts and weightlifting/skill pieces, we don’t get stuck in boring routines and we are able to build a nice broad foundation of fitness and skillsets. We allow our body to adapt to variance which results in one hell of a fitness capacity.

“Functional Fitness”- This is how we move in REAL life. Bending over, squatting down, picking things up, twisting, lifting overhead. All these skills are super important in order to live a happy and able life. We want to be able to do all of these things well into our older years, which is why we train them now.

“High Intensity”- This is the scary one, right? You may have seen CrossFit athletes performing CRAZY workouts and huge lifts, competing against one another like maniacs. It’s awesome and something we can all strive to be, however, this is very different to what you will come across inside your local box. When we refer to intensity, it’s all relevant to the individual. We all start somewhere, and we all have different intensities. You’ll never be expected to perform outside of your capabilities, however, we will encourage you to push and get a little uncomfortable, because that’s where the magic happens. Sure, you and your buddy might get slightly different results out of a workout, but you both will be working at your own intensities and both making progress.


So how does the Beginners Program work?

Our Beginners Program consists of 3 x 1 on 1 classes where you will work closely with a Coach. We will analyse your movement/mobility and cover some basics. You will learn about our Foundational Lifts, our workout/class structures, how to scale, some fancy lingo, and also a great variety of movements that you will see pop up through out normal class programming.

Upon completion of the 3 x Beginners Classes, you will have 1 FREE week of Unlimited Timetable access, just to get a vibe for the box, the staff, the members and the overall Unrest experience.

The program cost is $100 and generally, we see this wrapped up in 2 weeks:
- 3 x One on One sessions in first week;
- Followed by 1 x Weeks Trial Membership in the second week.

Once completed, you can pick an ongoing membership to roll forward with and you will get added to our roster.

Sound good!? Contact us today and book your One on One sessions in!